Become a Trail Forge
What role do sellers
play at Trail Forge?
Sellers are the lifeblood of Trail Forge Adventures, and are crucial to how Trail Forge works.
When a trail creator develops an amazing adventure guide that excites adventurers, they submit it to our team! This allows us to pick the best, most relevant, and highest-quality adventure guides to offer to adventurers everywhere!
How do you
submit your adventure guides?
Follow these three easy steps!
Keep creating for your own adventures
Don't let your best adventure guides collect dust! Send them our way, and we will work with you to make them available to adventurers around the world. The better it is, the higher chance it will be published!
Submit with the end-user in mind so it's ready to go!
Make sure your submission is clear, complete, and written with the end-user in mind so they can easily, quickly, and successfully customize it for their context. The more ready-to-go your submission is, the quicker we can publish it!
Allow our team to review your submission
We will review and publish your adventure guide to ensure no copyrights or trademarks are broken. If any issues arise, we will reach out to you.
Now that you know
You're ready! You now know everything that you need to know to submit an adventure guide and become a seller.
Get started by clicking below!